Jamie needs …

I meant to write up my 25 things about me, but other than writing down a few things in an unpublished blog post, didn't complete before the meme passed me by.  Still I do have a few peculiar-funny stories from my past that I should write down to amuse kids and friends (Mel has heard them all).  That will be another post.

However, the newest meme of navel gazing is to google "<your first name> needs" and write down what pops up.  So here is my list as of midnight, EST, 2/24/2009:

  1. Jamie needs a kid (two is enough for me)
  2. Jamie needs to maybe stop copying her (will have to think on that…)
  3. Jamie needs Mental Health! (ok, right on the money with that one 😉
  4. Jamie needs long hair? (never much liked long hair on my own head)
  5. Jamie needs our support! (oh, yes please do)
  6. Jamie needs a housewife like me (well have a wife, but cleaning tends to be my job)
  7. Jamie needs a Tanner Family Hug (hmmm… well I already get quite a lot of hugs from my family, but the more the better)
  8. Jamie needs a Badd Chick (no comment)
  9. Jamie needs to loosen his choke collar (yeah, never got into those things, too straight-laced I guess)
  10. Jamie needs Kelly's backing (okey dokey)
  11. Jamie needs a haircut (wait, i thought I needed long hair)
  12. Jamie needs to go to sleep

Actually, that last one I added myself.  Good night.

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