Category Archives: When Imagination Fails

Always paint your ships all at once

Last weekend I prep'd and primed a whole bunch of star ships from Ravenstar's Cold Navy line in a medium gray. I finally got the chance to paint the base coat on a set of six Deisho ships to complement the nine other ships I had painted.

Unfortunately, it had been about half a year since I painted, and the base color, a Floquil dark gray, proved to be darker than the previous attempt and I must have put the color on too thick. The new ships came out in a far darker and more green than the previous try. I compensated by making a wash with water and the Floquil concrete, which lightened the base color but, as expected, left more of the concrete color in crevasses. I solved that problem by painting the crevasses with a dark gray wash.

The effect will be nice once I detail the ships, but I didn't get the base color to match well enough. Hopefully, when I apply the base coat to the third group, it will look more like the first group and not the group I am working on now.

What is it about miniature game designers and poor graphic design

I just picked up a copy GHQ's post-WWII rules.  What is it about miniature game designers and poor graphic design?

Is is really so hard to make your section headings in a larger font size than the body text?  I know the headings are bolded, but that just isn't enough.  And why don't they use a San-serif font (i.e. like Helvetica or Arial) for the section headings and a Serif font for body text?  Why is the font so tiny and cramped?  Hasn't anyone ever heard of white space?

It is not just GHQ's rules.  Crossfire, which I like and think is incredibly imaginative approach to company and battalion scale games, does the same thing, as do others.

I know WRG used a similar style, but it is 20 years later and page layout has improved noticeably.  Actually, my 25 year old WRG moderns rules were laid out better. 

Come on game designers, lay out the rules so we can read them easily and find what we need!

Picture of the PsiCorp Shadow Hunters I finished recently

I finished two PsiCorp Shadow Hunters this week and posted a picture of the two of them at Flickr:

PsiCorp Shadow Hunters

I pretty much used the same technique as I have with other Shadow-like ships:

  1. Spray prime with black;
  2. Paint with several coats of Floquil NATO Black;
  3. Apply a wash of silver multiple times.

I cannot list the paint/water ratio I used, since I adjusted it to be more silver between each coat.  I think I applied at least four coats.  I am more satisfied with this result than what I achieved with the other Shadow ships since the silver is more noticeable.  I photographed it under florescent lights so the lighting conditions aren't the best.